
Every 4th of July.
This happens.
It's not a big deal holiday or anything..
It's just i expect, i guess.
I expect to have some great day.
I know that people are having parties.
People somewhere are kissing under the blaring lights.
Friends are getting together to cook out.
I know that & put it off in my mind.
Cause its not that big of a deal..
It's just another holiday.
I can always hear fireworks outside my window
It's a reminder that somebody
is having a good time.
I choose where i am in a way.
I'm not trying to play the martyr.
It's just that
every 4th of July
this just happens.

Just Because I Want To Make You Happy.

You are awesome. 
And Jesus Loves you. 
A lot. 
I pray your day is overwhelmed by His Love. 

Peace&Love to you, dear ones. 

It's Not Lost On Me.

Isn't it Ironic.. 
That you go back to the thing that causes you pain. 

Isn't it Ironic..
That the very thing you claim to hate, you say you love in the next breathe. 

Isn't it Ironic.. 
That you are are running in your vicious cycle, going back to the same mess each time. 
Like a dog goes back to its vomit. 

Isn't it Ironic.. 
That you beg for help, yet when it comes, you turn your back and walk away. 

Isn't it Ironic.. 
That when the very thing you want is given to you, you refuse it, as if you've not pleaded for it all along. 

Isn't it Ironic..
That the Love you are so desperately searching for has been desperately asking for your heart. The entire time. 

Isn't it Ironic.. 
That you are hurting the one person that hasn't given up on you. 

Isn't it all just so Ironic. 


All Your Secrets Spilled

I didn't get the sympathy gene.
Maybe the compassion one..
But when you tell me the trouble you've gotten yourself into
thats the exact road i go down
You've gotten yourself here.

Yet for some reason,
i'm feeling weirder.
Yes, this is where you've gotten yourself.

"You've made your bed, now lie in it."
"You've dug your pit, now find a way out."
"HA HA! Told you so!"
All come to mind.
They all have passed.

I sit here.
Because with this would be called mistake
A baby makes three.

Maybe, if it was just a "Normal" baby It would be different.
Yet, this baby is far from normal.

Baby, You are a gift.
No way around it.
I am praying for your mommy.
That her body will hold onto you.
No matter what the doctors tell her is happening.
You are a gift.
And i want to see you. I will see you.

No matter how she feels about you.
No matter how many nights she's been crying herself to sleep.
No matter how unplanned, unwanted, and unloved it may seem that you are..
You are so loved, so wanted, and so planned by the Ultimate Planner.

Baby, Jesus knows what He's got up His sleeve.
He knows what he planned when he placed his finger on your tiny chest
& made your heart beat.
He knew exactly what you would look like
from the moment that his two hands held you, and sculpted that little face of yours.

No matter how much your mommy doesn't understand how important you are.
No matter how upset she is.
No matter how much confusion your little life is causing
You have worth. You have worth little one, and you haven't even breathed your first breathe.

I love you.
I will get to know you..
Though i might not have gotten the sympathy gene,
My heart is breaking for you.

Look at that, 3 months in, and you're already breaking hearts..
I bet you're gonna be a player, huh? :)


p.s. I hope you think i'm funny...

Jesus Needs New PR.

I heard this somewhere recently, and dang, i couldn't agree more. 
I'm so sick of Jesus being portrayed as some wimpy guy. 

I'm so sick of Christianity being portrayed as a bunch of crazies. 

I'm so sick of being hesitant to share my faith because "Those" people have spoke things before me and labeled it "Christian". 

I'm so sick of Religious mummble jummble judgements being passed on everyone in the World, by the Loudest. 

Cause, as much as i hate it, the Loudest, & Craziest are usually the most heard. 

I can only live my Life For Him as i believe correct. 

But I wonder how many more people could come to know the wonderful, strong, passionate, loving Jesus if "They" would pipe down.  And just start loving. 

Isn't that what He asked of us? 
To love? 

Speaking of which, 
peace&love, until we meet again. 

Like a sparkly diamond..

Girls, do you understand how perfect you are? 
I am so so tired of us Women walking around like whhhhaa huh??
Do whatever, wear whatever, say whatever, date whoever. 
Cause we are just girls.  Just living. 
I don't care how many men have hurt you. 
I don't care how many things you've done. 
I don't care how many times you've had sex. 
Or how many men you've been out with, or how many times you've been married. 
You are perfect. 

Such a perfection cannot be gained or lost. Sold or bought. Your perfection was planned, before your mother ever felt you kick. This perfection remains the same now matter how much make-up you put on, or how frizzy your hair is. 
He knows a lot more than you or me. He made you perfect. 

Your beautiful perfection is made whole, in His arms. 

peace&love to you, sweet daughter. 

Yeah, I'm thinking about punching you in awkward areas, i'm not gonna lie.

One thing that i have never been is at a loss for feelings. I feel things, usually, very strongly. Though many would count this as a "problem" I, however, count it a blessing (ok ok, Sometimes). 

I know a young woman, whose parents are getting divorced. 
Divorce is terribly common. But not to her. 
She was abused by her father. 
Physically, but worse than anything, mentally. 
She's mentally unworthy to herself. 
This is killing me. 
She's young. 
One might say because she is young she will bounce back, Lord I pray. 
Or One might say because she is young, this will always be carried with her. 
I do my very best to help her in the ways that i can.. 

But all i can think about 
during the phone calls, 
face-to-face conversations,
and even e-mails, 
is How i want to punch her dad in the face (*another word was here, but for the children, we'll go with face.)
HOW in the heck can a dad to such things to his baby?! His daughter?! I digress. 
Obviously, this might be a case of, "feeling my feelings strongly". 
I hurt for her. 
Yet, i'm afraid of her hurt. 
I don't even want to imagine going through what she has. 

You are more than welcome to pray for "V", and for V's parents to get things handled. More than anything else, for V to be healed. Mind, soul, body. 

Lord Help us. 


Wanna catch a cup of coffee?

How are you? 

I hope you are well. 
This isn't about me, because, well i'm just not that interesting. This is about people. They're everywhere, have you noticed? And you are a person, so hey!! This is about you. 
Feel free to tell me about yourself. 
Let's keep it limited: 
1. I love God. Me & Him have a very cool relationship.. He lets me hang out with Him, and for that I owe Him much.
2. I want to be honest. So honest in fact, that i'm not telling who i am. Weird? I hope that doesn't bother you. I respect people very much people that can openly write, allowing people to know who they are. I, however, wish to openly tell you what's goin down, without having to guard what i'm saying. 
(stick with me here) 
3. I really, really like pink. I hope that doesn't bother you either. (But if it does, i'm sorry, i'm still obsessed) 

Please, enjoy. Feel free to tell me that my blog is too pink, or that you think i'm cool. 
I'll probably think you're cool too.